All services are completely customizable and can range from technical assistance to complete implementation.
Development Department Start-Up Strategy
Establish processes to ensure newly-formed development departments are positioned for success; develop a clear annual calendar of initiatives including events, communications, and mission-driven initiatives targeting a diverse portfolio of government, corporate, foundation, and individual donor sources.
Case for Support Message Development
In partnership with key personnel and stakeholders, create a concise and compelling organizational message library from which communications and grant-related materials can be drawn.
Grant Writing
Research, write, edit, and report on grants for operating, programmatic, project, and capital requests. Create and manage a calendar of grant opportunities relevant to the organization.
Donor Relation / Donor Stewardship
Develop meaningful initiatives to recognize and maintain contact with donors after the gift, increasing donor loyalty and retention rates.
Development Department Audit
Analyze your current development structure and activities including strengths and areas for improvement, and develop recommendations to optimize effectiveness.
Board Engagement in Development Initiatives
Find creative ways to engage board members in fundraising efforts across the donor life cycle, broadening your organization's reach and fostering a sense of ownership and pride among key stakeholders.
Corporate and Foundation Relations
Identify corporations and foundations whose priorities align with yours and cultivate relationships to increase revenue from this sector.
Digital and Mailed Fundraising Campaigns
Develop strategy and goals, draft content, and execute targeted solicitation campaigns with alignment across mail, email, and social media components, and customized to the organization's fundraising and topical awareness goals.